Hello Friends,  I have been thinking about how to have an anti-racist career. I often coach my clients on how to dream big, and then follow a narrow path – how both are required to strategically create the careers that we want. I’m using the same process myself to consider anti-racism in every aspect of my […]


June 24, 2020

Antiracism and Career Transformation

This is for the Black women.  Not the women of color. Not the people of color. Not the White allies.  Not ‘All of us.’ This is for you Black women – me and you.  A list of reminders: 1. You don’t have to respond to any text messages or emails of support. You don’t have to open them, you don’t […]


June 2, 2020

For Black Women in Academic Medicine

Hello Friends,  It is hard to deal with any problem unless you can name it and understand how it is working. Today I want you to know you to know that isolation affects our careers in tangible, specific and potentially long-lasting ways. Isolation, as I use it, refers to being The only person or one of the […]


May 19, 2020

Isolation and Career Trajectory

Hey Friends, Let’s talk about expensive things.  We are in academic medicine, so the first one is obvious – medical school, crazy expensive. Residency, i.e. spending your twenties making trainee money and leaving all of that potential 6-figure earning on the table – expensive. Board exams – My God, are you serious? Thousands of dollars over […]


April 30, 2020

The Most Expensive Habit You Have

Hey Friends,  We are unique and our challenges manifest uniquely. Your own special situation – a challenge with mentors not understanding you, a major snafu in your research project, building frustration with clinical leadership, growing resentment of the diversity office, etc – always feels specific. There is always enough nuance with what you are going through that […]


April 16, 2020

Diagnose the GAP

Friends, Does academic work feel like a waste of time right now? It feels crazy to plan when you have no idea what’s coming. Ultimately, what’s the point? If these thoughts have crossed your mind, you’re not alone. Let’s dig in.   Let’s say we knew for certain that social distancing and this current upheaval would last for 5 years – What […]


March 31, 2020

Certainty and Security

Hello friends,  We are in an odd place in academic medicine. We are ‘working from home’ on all of our research and administrative work, yet also gearing up to be fully ready to answer the call on the clinical side. Nothing is normal and there really is less time, less space, and less focus with all […]


March 17, 2020

Productivity During Chaos

Hey Friends! Let’s talk decisions – specifically all of those opportunities that come our way as junior faculty (and beyond). I am sure you heard the same 2 pieces of advice that I did: Just say No (and blame your mentor!) and Never say Yes right away! Ask to think about it and follow up later. Alright […]


March 4, 2020

How To Make High-Quality Decisions

Hello Peeps!  For today, let’s talk time management and productivity. Common buzz words that can go in one ear and out the other – sure it’s important, but who really has time? 🙂  Consider this – The biggest drains on academic productivity are: 1. Thinking you don’t have enough time. 2. Lacking a system to decide how you […]


February 18, 2020

The 3 Drains on Academic Productivity

Hello Friends, Happy February 😊 (and shout out to Black History Month✊🏾!!)  Both of my newsletters for this month are going to focus on tangible, practical steps to things that are often thrown about and feel quite…intangible.  As WOC in academic medicine, we have no doubt, at some point, been told to “Be Confident.” Some […]


February 4, 2020

The 4 C’s of Confidence

KD Coach LLC is a high-quality academic coaching business that creates a safe, warm, and effective space to unlock the intelligence, creativity, and potential of women of color in academic medicine.
